Benefiting Team Gleason
It's More Than a Game

When two former football players were diagnosed with ALS, they both chose to face the disease with the same commitment they had during their playing days. But, when one of those players was a Coug and the other a Husky, they are taking the competition to a new level.

Former players, Steve Gleason/WSU and Phil Green/UW have challenged each other for this year's Boeing Apple Cup, despite the cancellation of the game. They are asking students, faculty, alums, and fans of WSU and UW to prove who can raise the most funds in support of Team Gleason and finding solutions for those living with ALS.
Although they are team rivals, Steve and Phil fight together against ALS. While living with the disease during a global pandemic, they continue to help others with ALS.
You can help, too.

Steve Gleason
Phil Green

November 23rd thru November 30th
Let's see which school can raise $10K or more in 1 week!

© James Snook-USA TODAY Sports
Team Gleason Foundation is a charitable 501c3 non-profit corporation under the provisions of Louisiana Nonprofit Corporation Law.